Carbon Monoxide
Frequently Asked Questions About
Carbon Monoxide Detectors
Copyright 1995, H. Brandon Guest and Hamel
Volunteer Fire Department
Rights to reproduce granted provided
copyright information and this statement
included in their entirety.
This document provided for informational
purposes only. No warranty with respect to
suitability for use expressed or implied.
What is carbon monoxide (CO) and why do I
need a carbon monoxide detector?
Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless,
tasteless and toxic gas produced as a
by-product of combustion. Any fuel burning
appliance, vehicle, tool or other device has
the potential to produce dangerous levels of
carbon monoxide gas. Examples of carbon
monoxide producing devices commonly in use
around the home include:
Fuel fired furnaces (non-electric)
Gas water heaters
Fireplaces and woodstoves
Gas stoves
Gas dryers
Charcoal grills
Lawnmowers, snowblowers and other yard
The Consumer Products Safety Commission
(CPSC) reports that approximately 200 people
per year are killed by accidental CO
poisoning with an additional 5000 people
injured. These deaths and injuries are
typically caused by improperly used or
malfunctioning equipment aggravated by
improvements in building construction which
limit the amount of fresh air flowing in to
homes and other structures.
While regular maintenance and inspection of
gas burning equipment in the home can
minimize the potential for exposure to CO
gas, the possibility for some type of sudden
failure resulting in a potentially life
threatening build up of gas always exists.
What are the medical effects of carbon
monoxide and how do I recognize them?
Carbon monoxide inhibits the blood's ability
to carry oxygen to body tissues including
vital organs such as the heart and brain.
When CO is inhaled, it combines with the
oxygen carrying hemoglobin of the blood to
form carboxyhemoglobin. Once combined with
the hemoglobin, that hemoglobin is no longer
available for transporting oxygen. How
quickly the carboxyhemoglobin builds up is a
factor of the concentration of the gas being
inhaled (measured in parts per million or
PPM) and the duration of the exposure.
Compounding the effects of the exposure is
the long half-life of carboxyhemoglobin in
the blood. Half-life is a measure of how
quickly levels return to normal. The
half-life of carboxyhemoglobin is
approximately 5 hours. This means that for a
given exposure level, it will take about 5
hours for the level of carboxyhemoglobin in
the blood to drop to half its current level
after the exposure is terminated.
The following table describes the symptoms
associated with a given concentration of
% COHb Symptoms and Medical Consequences
10% No symptoms. Heavy smokers can have as much as 9% COHb.
15% Mild headache.
25% Nausea and serious headache. Fairly
quick recovery after
treatment with oxygen and/or fresh air.
30% Symptoms intensify. Potential for
long term effects
especially in the case of infants, children,
the elderly,
victims of heart disease and pregnant women.
45% Unconsciousness.
50%+ Death.
Since one can't easily measure COHb levels outside of a medical environment, CO toxicity levels are usually expressed in airborne concentration levels (PPM) and duration of exposure. Expressed in this way, symptoms of exposure can be stated as follows:
PPM CO Time Symptoms
35 PPM 8 hours Maximum exposure allowed
by OSHA in the
workplace over an eight hour period.
200 PPM 2-3 hours Mild headache, fatigue, nausea and dizziness.
400 PPM 1-2 hours Serious headache- other
symptoms intensify.
Life threatening after 3 hours.
800 PPM 45 minutes Dizziness, nausea and
Unconscious within 2 hours. Death within 2-3
1600 PPM 20 minutes Headache, dizziness
and nausea. Death within
1 hour.
3200 PPM 5-10 minutes Headache, dizziness
and nausea. Death within
1 hour.
6400 PPM 1-2 minutes Headache, dizziness
and nausea. Death within
25-30 minutes.
12,800 PPM 1-3 minutes Death.
As can be seen from the above information, the symptoms vary widely based on exposure level, duration and the general health and age on an individual. Also note the one recurrent theme that is most significant in the recognition of carbon monoxide poisoning- headache, dizziness and nausea. These 'flu like' symptoms are often mistaken for a real case of the flu and can result in delayed or misdiagnosed treatment. When experienced in conjunction with a the sounding of a carbon monoxide these symptoms are the best indicator that a potentially serious buildup of carbon monoxide exists. This comment will be returned to later.
What are the different types of carbon
monoxide detectors and how do they work?
There are a number of different types and
brands of carbon monoxide detectors on the
market today; They can be most easily
characterized by whether they operate on
household current or batteries. Underlying
this, in most cases, is the type of sensor
employed in the detectors operation.
Detectors using household current typically
employ some type of solid-state sensor which
purges itself and resamples for CO on a
periodic basis. This cycling of the sensor
is the source of its increased power
demands. Detectors powered by batteries
typically use a passive sensor technology
which reacts to the prolonged exposure to
carbon monoxide gas.
Are some types of detectors better than
others? How do I select the best detector
for me?
Regardless of the type of sensor used all
detectors sold on the market today should
conform to minimum sensitivity and alarm
characteristics. These characteristics have
been defined and are verified by
Underwriters Laboratory in their standard
for carbon monoxide detectors UL 2034. This
standard was most recently revised in June
of 1995 and went into effect in October of
1995. This revision specified additional
requirements regarding identification of
detector type, low-level (nuisance) alarm
sensitivity and alarm silencing. Under no
circumstances should one purchase a detector
that is not UL listed.
Each of the two types of detectors mentioned
previously has applications in the home
along with associated advantages and
disadvantages. The proper detector for each
application or installation should be chosen
based on the application requirements and
the products specifications. The following
are the principle advantages and
disadvantages of the two different type
Characteristic Household Current Battery Operated
Cost $30-50 $30-50
Ease of Installation More difficult-
requires Less difficult. Can be
outlet near detector or placed anywhere
'hard wiring'.
Maintenance No maintenance required
Requires periodic
during life of product replacement of
(5-10 years). Detector battery/sensor module
sensor becomes more every 2-3 years at a
sensitive with age. cost of ~$20.
Reaction Time/Exposure Gives continuous
display Reaction time depends
Level Display of CO levels updated on
concentration level
every few minutes. and duration of
exposure. Display
information is limited.
Reset Time Will reset immediately Reset
time depends on
once CO problem is exposure concentration
corrected. and duration. May
require removal of
sensor pack. A silence
button, however, is now
How many carbon monoxide detectors should
I have and where should I place them?
The Consumer Product Safety Commission
recommends a detector on each floor of a
residence. At a minimum, a single detector
should be placed on each sleeping floor with
an additional detector in the area of any
major gas burning appliances such as a
furnace or water heater. Installation in
these areas ensures rapid detection of any
potentially malfunctioning appliances and
the ability to hear the alarm from all
sleeping areas. In general, carbon monoxide
detectors should be placed high (near the
ceiling) for most effective use. Detectors
should also not be placed within five feet
of gas fueled appliances or near cooking or
bathing areas. Consult the manufacturers
installation instructions for proper
placement of a detector within a given area.
What are the most common causes of carbon
monoxide detector alarms?
There are many conditions which can cause a
carbon monoxide detector to alarm. Most are
preventable and few are actually life
threatening. Ideally through proper
placement of the detector and education of
the users the number of preventable calls
can be minimized and activation will only
occur in the more serious situations.
Preventable causes of CO alarm activation
and the recommended preventive action are as
Cause Preventive Action
Inadequate fresh air venting of the Have
a heating contractor install a
home. fresh air makeup system in the home
Running gas powered equipment or Gas
powered equipment or vehicles
automobiles in a home or garage should never
be operated within a
home or garage- even if the garage
door is open. Since most homes are
typically at a lower pressure
relative to outside air, the gas can
actually be drawn into the home.
Charcoal grilling in the home or Charcoal
grilling is a tremendous
garage. producer of carbon monoxide gas.
Charcoal grills should never be
operated in the home.
Malfunctioning appliances or All fuel
burning appliances or
equipment in the home. equipment in the home
needs periodic
inspection and preventive
maintenance. While all fuel burning
appliances will produce some CO gas,
regular preventive maintenance can
keep this to a minimum.
Malfunctioning or overly sensitive Buy
only UL Listed alarms conforming
alarm. to the latest revision (June 1995)
of UL standard 2034. This revision
includes new requirements to minimize
nuisance alarms.
While many causes can be prevented others
can not and may occur unpredictably. Not
only are these problems harder to predict
but they also tend to be more serious in
nature. Examples of these type problems are:
Cracked furnace heat exchanger.
Malfunctioning furnace or water heater.
Blocked chimney.
Other unpredictable events- vehicle left
running in garage, gas powered device placed
near fresh air vent to home, etc.
Minimizing preventable events allows
everyone to take other less preventable and
predictable events more seriously.
What should I do when my carbon monoxide
detector goes off?
First and foremost, stay calm. As mentioned
previously most situations resulting in
activation of a carbon monoxide detector are
not life threatening and do not require
calling 911. To determine the need to call
911, ask the following question of everyone
in the household:
"Does anyone feel ill? Is anyone
experiencing the 'flu-like' symptoms of
headache, nausea or dizziness?"
If the answer to the above by anyone in the
household is true, evacuate the household to
a safe location and have someone call 911.
Failure to evacuate immediately may result
in prolonged exposure and worsening effects
from possible carbon monoxide gas. The best
initial treatment for carbon monoxide gas
exposure is fresh air.
If the answer to the above by everyone in
the household is no, the likelihood of a
serious exposure is greatly diminished and
one probably does not need to call 911.
Instead, turn off any gas burning appliances
or equipment, ventilate the area and attempt
to reset the alarm. If the alarm will not
reset or resounds, call a qualified heating
and ventilating service contractor to
inspect your system for possible problems.
If at any time during this process someone
begins to feel ill with the symptoms
described above evacuate the household to a
safe location and have someone call 911.
What can I expect to happen if I call
What to expect when calling 911 is based on
the polices and procedures of the public
safety agencies serving your community and
will vary from area to area. Most public
safety agencies are, however, recognizing
the dangers posed by carbon monoxide gas and
are adopting similar procedures to the ones
described below. These procedures are based
on information developed by the
International Association of Fire Chiefs
(IAFC) and other national and regional
associations. The objective of these
procedures is to quickly determine the
severity of the situation and provide the
proper emergency response. The following is
a summary of what one can expect to happen
if the call 911 because a carbon monoxide
detector is sounding:
When initially calling 911 be prepared to
provide the following information:
Your address.
The type of detector that is sounding.
Whether or not anyone is feeling ill with
'flu-like' symptoms as previously described.
Whether or not everyone has evacuated the
The reading on the detector (if known or
The dispatcher will determine the response
required based on the answers to the above-
most significantly whether or not anyone is
feeling ill.
If anyone is feeling ill and/or you can not
or have not been able to evacuate everyone,
law enforcement, medical and fire personnel
will be assigned to the call on an emergency
basis. Law enforcement to assist with the
immediate evacuation of individuals, medical
to treat any victims and fire to monitor for
CO gas and assist with the other activities.
If no one is feeling ill, you may be advised
to contact your local heating contractor or
gas company to assist you or, more likely,
fire personnel will be dispatched on a
routine basis to monitor for CO gas and
advise if a 'real' carbon monoxide problem
As mentioned previously, response policies
vary by community and you may wish to call
your local fire or police non-emergency
number to ask what their particular policies
are. An example standard operating procedure
for CO alarms is attached. This policy is
based on the IAFC model procedures and has
been adopted by the Hennepin County Fire
Chiefs Association as their 'standard'
policy for fire departments which are part
of that association.
Where can I get further information
concerning carbon monoxide detectors?
Several manufacturers of carbon monoxide
detectors offer toll free numbers for
additional information regarding their
products. These numbers are as follows:
Manufacturer Number
American Sensors 800-387-4219
Enzone 800-448-0535
First Alert 800-323-9005
Jameson 800-779-1719
Nighthawk 800-880-6788
Quantum 800-432-5599
Radio Shack Contact your local store
S-Tech 800-643-5377
Additional information with product ratings is contained in the July 1995 Consumer Reports issue on home safety products. One word of note regarding the ratings in this issue- the products tested have probably since be replaced by updated models conforming to the revised UL 2034 standard which took effect in October 1995. Check with the manufacturer for current information.